Terms of Service


  • Character Designs

  • Furry / Lewd Art

  • Full Illustrations

  • Fan Art


  • Gore / Porn Art

  • Detailed Schematic Art

  • NFT related works


All commission and payment will be handled through VGEN and pricing is displayed there.
Please consult for other methods of payment.
This page serves as a simplified version of my T.O.S., click HERE for the detailed version. Alternatively, the detailed T.O.S. is also available on VGEN.When requesting a commission, please provide as much detail and reference of your request. This includes images and/or written descriptions. Any detail not provided will be left for interpretation.


All of my contacts are listed on the front page. Alternatively, you may navigate to them below. I try to respond as soon as I can but please allow at least 24 hours before expecting a reply.

DISCORD: .kndy

Any individual looking to commission me will be assumed to have read the terms of service and be sent an additional copy of the terms of service. By commissioning me through any channel, you agree to the terms of service below.Any statements made regarding the commission are subject to change if discussed with me, the artist, before finalizing the agreement. Please feel free to enquire if you're unsure.


If and when enquiring on the matter of commission, please write in a clear and cohesive manner. Do not spam. Any ill behaviour will not be tolerated and commission request may be cancelled.Usage of the commission must be made clear whether it is "Personal" or "Commercial", at the very beginning of commission related enquiry.


When commissioning, it is the responsibility of the client to provide as much detail as possible to avoid any miscommunication or misdirection.Any details left out during the mutual enquiry will be subjected to the artist's interpretation.While that is said, discussion and enquiry would be attempted to ensure both party is satisfied and a direction of the request made clear. Throughout the process I will send updates, enquire any potential misses and confirms with the client's satisfaction.It is the client's responsibility to confirm and approve at any given stage. Hesitancy to point out details to fix may lead to delays and/or additional charge. Please feel free to discuss with me so that I may deliver to you a satisfactory result.Both party involved (artist and client) should reply in a timely manner to avoid any delays in the production of any commission. If the client fails to provide crucial information, the artist will be deemed rightful to delay the commission until said information has been given. If no payment or any form of agreement has been made, the artist reserves the right to cancel or put the potential client behind queue.


Commission may take minimally 2 weeks until completion and up to several months. The artist must communicate any delays to the client should it occur. Please refer to my work queue for progression and what I'm currently working on:

Work in progress will be shown to the client as often as needed to ensure the satisfaction on both party.Major edits or adjustments of the work will be limited to one unless stated otherwise. Any additional edit or adjustment may require an additional charge and if so proceeded, additional time required for the artist to complete the work must be given. In other words, additional edits or adjustments will delay the estimated completion time/date.Note: Adding details/altering details, changing skin tone are of minor details and can be altered as many times to ensure satisfaction and accuracy to reference. So long as it is within reasons and consideration.Note: Pose changes or entire outfit change are of major details. For personal commission these will be limited to 1 before any additional charge.


For personal commission:The artist retains full copyright ownership of any artwork produced in the commission, and the client will not have any claim to the artwork's copyright. The artist will be given rights of the work to be posted on social media, portfolio, and any other content related activity.The client may use the art produced in any way as long as it is not for monetary purposes or used commercially. The client must give proper credit to the artist. The client must not claim or alter the work in any form without prior agreement. This includes removing of watermark or signatures.Should the client require full copyright to the work, please refer to commercial commission instead. If the client wants full copyright after the personal commission has been completed, the client may buy the copyright from the artist at a premium.※Please enquire the artist for further details on the matter.For commercial commission:The client retains full copyright ownership of any artwork produced in the commission, and the artist will not have any claim to the artwork's copyright. The client may keep the commission details entirely private and/or confidentially if so required. Proper crediting must be given to the artist unless a premium is paid to have the artist disassociated.※Please enquire the artist for further details on the matter.


The artist reserves the right to cancel and refund any given commission once payment has been made. Prior to payments made by the client, the rights to cancellation befalls on the client themselves. This policy will be handled on a case-by-case basis.The client will not receive a refund if the commission has already made progress or has been delivered. Any chargeback made on the commission will immediately attribute full ownership and copyright to the artist and the involved client will be disassociated.


The client will receive all digital files involved in the commission work. Mainly in the form of .PNG , .JPEG, and .PSD..PSD and source file will not be provided unless an premium is paid for copyright.Once the commission has come to an end, the artist will no longer be obligated to make any changes to the work unless an additional fee is to be charged and agreed upon.Please feel free to enquire if you're unsure.